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类型:奇幻  美国  2022 

主演:Antonia Anderson 迈克·阿马森 Chloe Burdy 

导演:David Axe 




剧情介绍:公元 500 年,在最深、最黑暗的丹麦,一个怪物——不可阻挡的格伦德尔——吓坏了浸满蜂蜜酒的赫洛特的醉酒狂欢者。无所畏惧的弗拉瓦鲁公主和她的伙伴,愤世嫉俗的抄写员,踏上了寻找可以拯救他们人民的英雄的旅程。但事实证明,真正的英雄比嗜血的怪物更稀有“Wolf” offers a tour of physical restraint and mental abuse. The production remains cautious with these characters, exploring the idea of their dominant animal sides as the staff and threatening outsiders provide even more reason for the young people to remain in their altered state. “Wolf” isn’t striking, and casting isn’t strong enough for some roles (Depp makes no impression as Cecile), but the feature captures an unusual problem with capable screen energy, refusing to break concentration as it details the internal battle between what’s expected and what comes naturally.《裴狼》无删减高清完整版是由David Axe执导的电影,Antonia Anderson,迈克·阿马森,Chloe Burdyck,Ann Boney,Aaron Blomberg等参加演出,该电影于2022年在美国上映。


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